
Project Summary

72 low skilled adult learners from disadvantaged groups and their adult education practitioners in Spain, Italy and Belgium will address topics from the European Charter of Human Rights and translate them in personal digital stories.

The main objective of the making of the digital stories will be the advocacy about human rights and the dimension of practical issues of these rights for the European citizen-storyteller. With this project we will develop civic engagement and generate awareness about European citizenship for low-skilled adult learners as a pathway to increase core skills for employability, with a particular focus on digital skills and soft skills like computational thinking, mindset ability. The methodology developed by this project will also address adult education practitioners help them to start up similar processes in their learners groups enhancing global citizenship amongst low skilled and disadvantaged people. Some studies done about the use of computer by lowskilled persons, demontrate that those people, when they have access to computer, either use the computer in a consuming way. We think that while leraners learn to produce with the computer in a creative way, we enable a large fan of possibilities in the world of lifelong learning.

At the end of the project, we will have at least 50 digital stories illustrating some articles of the human rights charter made by the adult learners and 50 stories made by other adults in Europe or elsewhere in the world to illustrate human rights and citizenship issues.

All those stories can be used all over Europe for educational use in all kind of educational situations.
In the described methodology, we will provide a photolanguage set made to incite the adult learners to think and tell about human rights and develop guidelines and background information for practitioners who want to integrate the methods in their daily practice.

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